Monday, 7 May 2012

Blackberry Wine

Things at the plot are pretty full on right now, getting the ground ready, sowing seeds and potting on seedlings.  So, when we got rained off today I thought i'd use the time to bottle last years blackberry wine which had been sitting out in the cellar awaiting my attention since christmas.

It took forever to clean and sterilise the bottles.

Before bottling, I thought I'd check the alchohol content using an online conversion tool and it worked out at roughly 14%, a wee bit high but it tasted really good.  Stupidly however, I poured the wine from the DJ into the beaker for testing instead of using the syphon, resulting in the sediment at the bottom mixing though the rest of the wine.

So I only managed to bottle two of the DJs and have left the third to settle again.

I held off labeling them as I was tempted to buy nice ones rather than using the ones from the stationary cupboard.  I'll need to check prices and have a think about it.



For The Record - VVG's Sowing and Growing in 2012 said...

They look very professional :)

Ananke said...

Why thank you VVG, I hope it tastes it too :)