Saturday, 26 January 2013

Here we go again :)

Thursday was a beautiful day, very cold but the sun was shining and the sky was blue so we headed down to the allotment on a mission to start dismantling the 4ft high "raised bed" that's been in the way for about 5yrs now.

When we got our plot, the first thing we done was level some ground to build the greenhouse and we piled up the soil up at the side of the gate.  There was nowhere else to put it as we hadn't dug over any of the bedsBeing new to this allotment lark we decided the only thing we could possibly do was build a box around the pile and grow strawberries in it.

Every year since then we have meant to pull it down and use the soil in an area that has been stripped of topsoil but alas never got around to it.

Thanks to VC and her crazy 52 week challenge, we got started on it, didn't get as much done as I'd have liked but a start it is.

  We did save each nail and piece of wood as we went along and that is my excuse.

The garlic I planted back in October has just popped it's head through the soil and I don't think anything could have cheered me up right now as much as it did...
...until Ginger popped her head around the fence looking for some food...
 She is one of 5 allotment cats that visit us.  I thought they just loved us but no, turns out they visit everyone on site and my allotment neighbours all have a catfood stash too  :)

I finally got around to planting up my pear tree that has been sitting in my cellar since before christmas.  The 4ft raised bed is sitting on the ground where I want to plant it so it is in a big pot for this year and I'll get it into it's final position next winter.

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