Sunday, 26 February 2012

Glasgow Potato Day

The Glasgow potato day was fantastic.  I love the idea of being able to buy just a couple of tubers of lots of different varieties to try them out and see what works best for me.

The only variety they didn't have that I want is Epicure but luckily one of my plot neighbours has kindly offered to pick me some up when he visits his supplier.

Here's what I bought...

First Earlies
Lady Christl
Arran Pilot
Red Duke of York

Second Earlies

Main Crop
Orla (early maincrop)
Sarpo Mira

Pink Fir Apple,

Along with these, I have the two varieties that I grew from true potato seed last year, looking forward to see what I get from those.

On the way home from the Potato day we decided to take a detour and had lunch up on the Campsie Fells, it was bliss.

Oh, and I have to just mention the amazing home baking that was on offer today, what a spread.  Well done to all.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Weather people got it wrong AGAIN

We had planned to spend the full day at the plot today, the forecast was good, dry all day until around 5pm.  

It rained the whole day and dark overcast skies loomed above us as we laid cardboard in the tree bed.   The plan is to cover the cardboard with chipped bark when it next gets delivered, saving some money on weed matting, whether this will work or not, i'm not sure.  Hopefully gives us time to save a bit more to get the right stuff.

By 2pm I was soaked through and frozen to the bone so we abandoned planting the remaining fruit bushes (poor things are sprouting in the packaging)  Wednesday is forecast to be the next dry day so fingers crossed (or sooked and stuck in the air)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Glasgow Potato Day

Glasgow will be having it's first ever Potato Day this year.

The event will take place at the Pearce Institute, Govan on 26th Feb 2012, 11am - 3pm.

Lemongrass and Sweet Potato Update

One of the lemongrass stalks rooted really well, the other however has done nothing so far but i'll leave it in water and see what happens.

The rooted lemongrass potted up...
 The sweet potato is coming along slowly, it has a few nice roots and the top of the potato is becoming a bit knobbly and rough looking, I hope that means there may be some slips soon.

Drying Parsley

The parsley done really well over the winter and I mostly picked it and used it fresh.  Last time I was at the allotment I cut the rest of it down and will let it come back and go to seed, for saving, this year.  I've never seen parsley in flower so i'm looking forward to that.

I dried the leaves that I'd harvested in a low oven and got two big jars from it.