Sunday, 21 April 2013

Potatoes Finally Going In

Finally there was a turn in the weather last week and we got a few drills of potatoes in, three more to go and we can move on to getting the rest of the beds ready.

My Sister is visiting from the States so we put her to work too :)


Lemon Trees From Seed

I thought I'd have a go at growing a lemon tree from seed.  I'm not expecting to have lemons anytime soon but I can't resist an experiment.

I dried off some seeds and peeled the outer husk off
 Then I put them onto some damp kitchen roll and placed them into a plastic bag and left them to sprout.
 Put them into some pots of compost and put those into a homemade propagater.
 And I am now the proud owner of these little beauties...
 You can't really tell from this photo but they have the most amazing glossy leaves.